The simple installation steps are as follows...
- Download the latest paida package.
- Unpack it in any directory you want.
- Move into the unpacked folder and execute " install".
For example...
>>> tar xvfz paida-3.2.1_2.10.tar.gz
>>> cd paida-3.2.1_2.10
( >>> su [*1])
>>> python install
- [*1] You may need to be a root user depending on the installation directory.
- You can move the "paida" folder to your Python's "site-packages" directory.
- Make sure you have working Jython at first.
- Download the latest PAIDA package.
- Unpack it in any directory you want.
- Move into the unpacked folder.
- Copy (or link) "paida" folder to the folder [your Jython folder]/Lib/
- Currently this is the easiest and safest way but there are other ways to install. Please refer to